We Are Glad To Welcome And Thank You For Visiting Our Official Arsha Vidya Nilayam Website - Our Constuction Of The New Building Have Been Started

Friday, June 17, 2011

Donation for AVN New Gurukulam

Please send your donation by cheque/bank draft favouring "Arsha Vidya Nilayam, Malaysia" or bank-in to account AVN, Malaysia. All payments and donation will be acknowledged, through an official receipt.

Account Number :-
CIMB -0803-0017190-056

For further information, call contact H/P 012-5898839

NOTE:- Click on picture to enlarge

1 comment:

U.Purushothaman.India said...

I am very happy that your huge dream comes true because your hard work and sincerity. I feel very proud for being one of the person who have been stayed with u for past few years. By god's grace, u will succeed in everything